Monday, December 03, 2007

This Winter's Must-Haves: A Moleskine Notebook

With the chilly weather rolling around the corner for all of us who live in the northern hemisphere, it's time to once again put on our winter frumpiness. It's always sad trading in our tanks and shorts for layers and layers, but winter does not always have to be dull and solely characterized by your red and runny nose. Here are some must-haves for winter this season--because a girl's gotta have fun all year round.

2. A Moleskine Notebook: I know, I know, it's not exactly wintery...but there's just something about the black sleek covers and the leather bound exteriors that go so well with suede boots and pea jackets.  

All-that's-spiffy is all about making you look good, right? And the Moleskine Notebook CERTAINLY does. Nothing says "chic" and "sophisticated" as loud as a Moleskine notebook, even if it's just for carrying around and looking artsy fartsy. 
Marketed as the "legendary notebook of Van Gogh, Chatwin, Hemingway, Matisse and Celine" (okay, it's not really the legendary notebook of Van Gogh, Chatwin, Hemingway, Matisse, or Celine...but who really cares?), carrying and owning one would give you that art-student/budding-fashion-designer/soulful-thinker/aspiring-broke-poet/undiscovered-writer that's all the rage this season (and any season, for that matter). They come in many variations: notebooks, city notebooks (lost in Union Square, anyone? If you have to be clueless and touristy, at least be stylish while at it), diaries, sketchbooks, etcetc.

What I love so much about them is that they're hardcover, not tackily spiral-bounded, but yet still lie open when you lie them flat. Ahh, c'est parfait! 
Also, you can do some pretty amazing things with these notebooks. 
Check out these Moleskine artworks:

for more ridiculously spiffy artwork by Moleskiners, go to moleskinerie

1 comment:

Bill Donovan said...

Hi, thanks - that is my drawing of an Afghani girl. You can see a lot more of my work at and